
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Thank You!

There is something so special about receiving an unexpected “thank you” card in the mail.   Even more surprising is a random “thinking of you”.  Imagine checking the mail and expecting to find the usual promotional flyers and bills…then voila!  You receive a sweet treat, an unexpected card from a dear friend or family member who is just thinking of you and wanted to brighten your day. 
In today’s world, everyone is so tech-savvy, they usually talk on the phone, send an email, or short text to keep in touch with people.  It only takes a few moments to write a little card and costs a few cents to send, but it is worth the time and effort to do this.  Sometimes it’s difficult to find the exact words to say.  Here is a site that gives you several ideas of phrases to express your gratitude:  Thank You Cards

This is one of my New Year’s Resolutions and I encourage you to do the same.  I already try to send Thank You cards as often as possible, but now, I am going to focus on sending random “thinking of you” cards to my family and friends. 
Take the time to send a card.   You never know how much it could brighten someone’s day! 

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